Friday 4 September 2015

Flowers That Stay Fresh The Longest.

7 Flowers With Longest Vase Life:

Flowers doesn,t only add color to your environment but it also adds up joy and refreshment inn your home or office.I don,t think there would be anybody who doesn't like to be around flowers.
When we use them in our vase,we wish that they last long. We will tell you some flowers that 
stay fresh and last really long.


Zinnia flower have got variety of colors and they can withstand hot climates.They are believed to stay fresh for about 24 days with the water changed every two days. They are beautiful and very attractive.

Orchids are exotic and very beautiful flower. They have an amazing life span and it can last up to three weeks. All you need to do is to trim the stem and change water every two days.


Carnations are really popular flower because they are available in numerous colors and they all have there own individual meaning. Carnations are also called "The Flowers of God". Carnations can last up to 2-3 weeks in vase. The flowers should not be in contact with water in the vase,only stem should be.


Delphinium are very elegant flowers. 
Delphinium comes in amazing shades of blue and purple.They stay fresh up to two weeks.


Chrysanthemums beats all the flowers and can stay fresh up to whole month. They are very attractive flowers. All you need to do is to change the water in the vase everyday.


These funnel shaped flowers will add an extra charm in your house. They can last up to 10 days. Need to check water on a regular basis and keep them hydrated.


The trumpet shaped blooms of lilies makes moderate vase life of 10 days. Change water every two days.


Thursday 3 September 2015

Six easy beverages to try this summer

Beat The Summer With These Super Easy Cool Beverages:
Scorching sun, hot climate and unbearable summer. What could be more relaxing than a cooler going down the throat and beating this heat along with refreshing you.Today we are going to tell you some super easy summer coolers which are not only easy to prepare but they are also good for your health.

Let us begin with these six super easy recipes:

1.Watermelon Rose Cooler

Ingredients : (Watermelon,Rooh Afza,chaat masala or just salt, Ice)
-Take 4 cups of watermelon cut in pieces. You can remove the seeds before blending it or you can pour it through the strainer after blending to remove the seeds.
-Add 4-5 Table spoons of Rooh Afza or any rose syrup. If you do not like rose syrup then you can skip it.
-Pour these in a glass. Add chaat masala and ice. You can also blend ice along with watermelon if your blender is strong enough.
-Garnish it with mint leaves and your drink is ready.

2.Basil lemon Mojito

Ingredients : 15-20 Basil Leaves,8-10 Mint leaves,sugar, lemon ,salt, soda or cold water and ice cubes)
-Muddle the leaves and lemon in a crusher plate so that the flavour is released. Put it in the glass.
-Add soda or water.
-Add half lemon juice.
-Add 2 pinches of salt and sugar as per taste.
-Add ice and garnish it with few mint and basil leaves.
-Serve immediately.

3.Pomegranate Mint Cooler

Ingredients :  1 Cup of Pomegranate,Lemon, 8-10 Mint leaves, Roasted cumin (jeera) powder(optional), sugar to taste.
-Blend pomegranate, mint leaves,roasted cumin, half a lemon juice and sugar till it is smooth.
-Strain well the juice using a juice strainer.
-Add cold water to make the juice a little thin.
-Add Ice,garnish with mint leaves and serve.

4.Apple Milk Shake

Ingredients : (2 apples, Cinnamon powder,Cold Milk, Sugar to taste)
-Peel,core and chop the apples.
-Blend it along with 1/4 tsp of cinnamon powder and 2-3 spoon of sugar.
-Add half cup of chilled milk and again blend till it is smooth.
-Add Quarter cup of milk again and blend.
-Pour it in glass,garnish it with pinch of cinnamon powder and serve.

5.Rose Milk Recipe

Ingredients : (500ml chilled milk,3 tbsp rose syrup,1tsp rose water, sugar, Rose petals for garnish (optional)
Add rose syrup in milk and stir.
Add sugar (only if the sweetness of rose syrup is not enough) and stir till it dissolve.
Add rose water and stir.
Pour it in glass,garnish it with rose petals and serve.

6.Litchi Lemonade

Ingredients : (12-15 litchis,1 large lemon,3 cups of water,3-5 mint leaves, Ice cubes ).
-Peel and remove the litchi pulp from seed.
-Blend the pulp of litchi with water in a blender to make a smooth puree.
-In a jar,mix this puree,lemon juice and sugar.
-Stir till sugar dissolves.
-Pour it in Glass,garnish with mint leaves and serve.

So guys the average time that will be taken to prepare each one of the them is maximum 10-15 minutes. So I hope you will try each one of them and do share feedback and your own similar recipes in the comments below. Till then Have a nice day!

Image source:google

Tuesday 1 September 2015

Wall of fame

A Complete Guide To Create A Wall Of Fame In Your House:

PHOTOGRAPHS...What I like about photographs is that they capture a moment that’s gone forever, only memories can be revived. Imagine having a bad day in office or school and coming back to your home,suddenly you see a picture which holds a very important or happiest moment of your life. Your first victory at a competition in school, or a place where you met you better-half for the first time or when your first baby was born. The memory that can never make you upset. The memory that will always bring a smile on your face be it how low you are. Today we are going to try to make a place for such memory in your house. Today we are going to create a wall of memories, a wall of family ,a wall of fame.

We take photographs on holidays,proms, weddings,birthdays,get-together,night-outs,randoms, funny and they are just kept stored in some folder of our computer completely forgotten. Why not choose the best moments of those and put them on wall?

We will see the best way to compile all those best memories  in the best possible ways.

Make a random collection of pictures and frames. You can also add quotes and sceneries in between to make it look more beautiful.

A family tree like this would be such an amazing idea. And if you are not sure which photos to keep and which ones to leave as there are so many moments to cherish then simply clip them together as the picture above.             


If you want to go for a clean look then rather than aligning the frames in a random manner,you can align them in a clean and evenly designed manner.

And if you do not wish to put family photographs because you want a professional look for your office or guest rooms then you can also use random posters, photographed pictures or even blank frames just to get such amazing looks.

Below is some inspirations using which you can create you own wall of fame :)



Picture credits: Pinterest

Sunday 30 August 2015

The Seven Beginner Make-Up Essentials

7 Must Have Beauty Products In Every Woman's Dresser:

"I don't apply any make-up,I am naturally flawless."
"How can you apply so many things before going out,I ain't got that much time."

Every now and then we come across such comments from someone who  is not a make-up enthusiast.
Let me tell you all ladies out there that make-up is not something that one should apply to look fair than your real complexion or when you are going to have a party. Make-up is just for highlighting your features and not mimicking something that you are not. You have got big beautiful eyes? A little bit of eyeliner is going to enhance them even more. A little tinted lip balm is all you need to make you feel more confident and pretty. We are not talking here about tons of make all above your face but we want to talk about the basic and must have make-up products that can make you confident everyday without much time.So here it goes:

1.BB Cream

A good BB cream is all that you need to hide all those uneven skin tone. BB creams are especially designed for everyday use and they are a perfect mixture of moisturizer, sunscreen and foundation. Choose one that match your face tone and you are all sorted.
Note: Always check the shade on your neck area rather than your hand as the  tone of your hands are way too different than the tone of your face.


Concealer as the name suggests conceals any kind of marks,spot or blemishes on your face.It is also used to conceal under eye dark circles so that it blend well with rest of the face.

Note: It is believed that the shade of the concealer should be lighter than your skin tone but that is a misconception. An ideal concealer is the shade closest to the foundation that you use.


Mascara is a beauty wand. Yes,you heard me right. It can change the entire look of your face in a jiffy.There are different kind of mascara. Some lengthens your eyelashes and some provides volume to them.It makes your eyes look 70% more attractive. A good mascara is a must have.


It is so amazing that just a line drawn on your upper eyelids can entirely change your personality and character. There are so many ways in which one can apply eyeliner depending upon the occasion. For simple daily use you can normally draw a line on your upper eyelids length or you can extend a little bit for the winged look.
Note:If you find liquid eyeliners messy then try penliners or gel liner.They give matte finish and dry very quickly.


Talking about eye make-up and not to mention Kajal would be a lie. Kajal has been an important must have product since ages. A kajal can enhance the look of any woman with just one stroke.It makes the eyes super charismatic and hypnotic.


In a beauty regime, Blusher plays a very important role.If applies correctly,it can reduce the appearance of features you would like to disguise,while emphasizing your best points. It highlights and gives colors to your cheeks.

7.Lipstick/Lip tint/ Lip Balm

The last but the most important as it can make all the product in the list above look fader if you won't apply colors to your lips. When you apply lipstick,it instantly makes you look beautiful and make you stand out in the crowd.It is the one product that can boost your confidence in a moment.
We would love to know your must have products that you love in the comments below. You can also suggest us if we missed something. We will again be back with something new. Till then Take Care.

With Love|

Picture credits:Google

A day at DLF Saket Flea Market

A Day At DLF Saket Flea Market

Despite large malls with their expensive and stylish brands,what always succeed at getting our attention are those colorful and delightful canopy in the campus of the mall. Flea markets have always been popular among every class of society and they offer variety of products at a very reasonable rates. So today we will talk about a day well spent at the Flea market (Rakhi Special) at DLF mall,Saket.

Every weekend you can find numerous stalls with unique and different products ranging from jewellery,apparel,home decor,snacks,stationery everything. The best thing about these Flea Markets are that they have products at jaw-dropping prices.

These markets have got product as per the upcoming festivals and occasions as most of them are handmade and handicraft products. So the Rakhi special Flea markets doesn't necessarily had rakhi stalls but it had awesome collection for products that can be used for this occasion. There were wonderful candle aroma diffusers, phulkari stoles, jewellery,footwear and many more.

If you are still wondering what is so special about these markets, I would suggest you to rush to DLF mall,Saket this weekend and see it yourself. We are sure that you would love the variety and prices and also those sellers who own their own stores but every weekend they participate in these flea markets to reach out to more and more exposure.They will charm you will their friendly and empathetic behaviour.

With Love 

Thursday 27 August 2015

Indoor Plants : A must have- Part 2

Care & Benefits of Indoor Plants:

Same as our last post ,we are going to discuss about the care and benefits of indoor plants.
We all know that plants unlike us intakes carbon dioxide and releases oxygen. It purifies air and makes us breathe fresh even in home. Plants makes us calm and makes home or office a better place to live and work. The greenery around you is  not only are pleasant to eyes but it also makes us work effectively with great concentration , higher accuracy and better yielding results.

We have discussed few plants in our last post already. We will now discuss more plants that can be used inside the house to bring you more close to nature.

7.Spider Plant

Keep them on the grounds or use them as hangings. This beautiful plant is definitely going to be an attraction.
Benefits: NASA places this plant among the top 3 types of houseplants that are great at removing formaldahyde. Also removes carbon monoxide and other toxins or impurities.
 Likes bright, indirect light and lots of water while growing.

8.Dwarf/Pygmy Date Palm
Benefits: Said to remove formaldehyde and xylene (a chemical found in plastics and solvents) from the air.

Notes: Loves lots of sun, moist soil and warm water.Need to be kept near window for adequate sunlight.

9.Snake Plant

Benefits: Found by NASA to absorb toxins, such as nitrogen oxides and formaldahyde.
Notes: It tolerates low light levels and irregular watering (and needs only a few waterings throughout winter).Put one in your bathroom — it’ll thrive with low light and steamy humid conditions while helping filter out air pollutants.

10.Janet Craig

Benefits: Lady Palm is said to be a good overall air purifier, removing most air pollutants.
Notes: Prefers indirect sunlight, and watering without fertilizers.

11.English Ivy

Benefits: It's known for removing the chemical benzene, a known carcinogen found in cigarette smoke, detergents, pesticides, and the off-gasing of other synthetic materials, is said to be fantastic for asthma and allergies and also removes formaldehyde.
Notes: Can be invasive, making it great for a potted plant.

12.Baby Rubber Plant

 These houseplants clean the air by emitting high oxygen content, and purifies indoor air by removing chemicals, such as formaldahyde or other toxins.
Notes: Likes filtered light, infrequent watering and rich soil. I've found conflicting information as to whether or not this plant contains any poisonous parts.

Indoor plants have also been linked to a boost in creativity too. So I hope we would now bring more greenery to our home that will bring more positivity and less stress.

Picture Courtesy: Pinterest

Wednesday 26 August 2015

Indoor Plants : A must have- Part 1

Care & Benefits of Indoor Plants:

We all love plants. Plants significantly improve a whole range of aspects of our environment. It makes us feel refreshed and soothe our mind. These living organisms interact with your body, mind and home in ways that enhance the quality of life.Plants play a vital role in providing a pleasant and tranquil environment in which to move, work or relax. Indoor plants can also help health, wellbeing and productivity in the workplace.
Today we are going to talk about the kind of plants that are suitable for indoor plantations and how to take care of them. We will also discuss about the benefits of indoor plants. So let us start.
Indoor plants are mostly those plants which either requires less sunlight or no sunlight at all for their growth. There are wide range of indoor plants that includes ferns, cactus, succulents which are easily grown inside the home with less or negligible sunlight. Some plants need to be kept in sun once in a week or fortnight for a little exposure to sunlight.
Following are few plants which are suitable for indoor garden.

1. Aloevera

: Not only can it be used for burns on the skin, it is also known to remove formaldahyde from the air.
CareAloe Vera Plants are native to the deserts and so need very little humidity.
Water your Aloe Vera Plant well and then allow it to thoroughly dry out before watering it again. An Aloe Vera Plant can often last 2-3 weeks before it needs water and requires even less water in the winter. It likes it hot (65-85 degrees), dry, and sunny. Aloe Vera plants do not do well in temperatures below 40 degrees.

 Areca Palm

Benefits: General air purifier, especially as it grows larger. It's known for being one of the better performers in purifying the air.

Areca Palms require bright indirect light. Too much light or direct sun burns the fronds and causes them to turn yellow.
Allow the top 1-2” of soil to dry out before watering an Areca Palm. Never allow an Areca to sit in water as this causes root rot. This plant is very sensitive to low temperatures so if you place it outside during the summer be sure to bring it in before temperatures dip below 50 degrees.

3.Bamboo Palm or Reed Palm

Benefits: According to NASA, it removes formaldahyde and is also said to act as a natural humidifier.

Care: Likes bright, indirect light and prefers to remain moist but not too much and doesn't like sitting in water.

4.  Boston Fern 

Benefits: Said to act as a natural air humidifier, removes formaldahyde and is a general air purifier. Said to be among the best in air purifying houseplants.

Care: Likes bright light and damp soil but can be tolerant of drought or partial light.Boston ferns need a cool place with high humidity and indirect light.

5.Corn Cane 

Benefits: Known for removing formaldehyde and known generally as one of the houseplants that clean the air.

Care: Does great with low light and low water.

6. Golden Pothos or money plant

Benefits: NASA places this plant among the top 3 types of houseplants great for removing formaldehyde. It is also known for removing carbon monoxide and increasing general indoor air quality.
Care: Needs less water in colder temps and partial sun. They are happiest when room temperatures are in the 65°-80° range. Growing will stop if temperatures drop below 55°.
We will continue this in our next post. Till then keep smiling.


Tuesday 25 August 2015

The DIY Fun

We all use Notebooks be it you are a business woman or school/college girl.
Let us give a little character to those notebooks and make it much more interesting. It will make it look good and even you will get rid of those boring notebook covers.
Lets have a look at these beautiful DIY and super simple ways to keep your notebook look super cute and interesting.

Cut out you favorite images from some books,cards or magazines and make a collage on the cover page of your notebook and see how wonderful and colorful it looks.  
Use different papers or hand-made sheets and create patterns on the cover of the notebook. Subtle and cute right?

Lace it up and make this super cute and super easy notebook.

You can also use different patterned gift laces and stick it in horizontal,vertical or diagonally to get amazing patterns in super easy way.

Doodle it up and show your own creativity. Amazing way to entertain yourself during super boring lectures :P

Not in mood of doing much then simply take an old book or newspaper and make this simple yet eye-catchy notebook.

Remember doodling with paper cutting in your childhood. This is all you need to make such amazing notebook. This one is my personal favorite as people can really read you through your notebook cover :D

Cut magazine or images in triangular shape and make this creative notebook in a jiffy.
handmade notebook, diary, journal, eco friendly sketch book, scrapbook, recycled paper, reconstruction - starbuck lover
Use paper bags of stores to create these amazing notebook covers.
We hope you like the ideas. Create you own and share with us in the comments below.
Thank you so much.


.Pictures courtesy: Pinterest