Thursday 3 September 2015

Six easy beverages to try this summer

Beat The Summer With These Super Easy Cool Beverages:
Scorching sun, hot climate and unbearable summer. What could be more relaxing than a cooler going down the throat and beating this heat along with refreshing you.Today we are going to tell you some super easy summer coolers which are not only easy to prepare but they are also good for your health.

Let us begin with these six super easy recipes:

1.Watermelon Rose Cooler

Ingredients : (Watermelon,Rooh Afza,chaat masala or just salt, Ice)
-Take 4 cups of watermelon cut in pieces. You can remove the seeds before blending it or you can pour it through the strainer after blending to remove the seeds.
-Add 4-5 Table spoons of Rooh Afza or any rose syrup. If you do not like rose syrup then you can skip it.
-Pour these in a glass. Add chaat masala and ice. You can also blend ice along with watermelon if your blender is strong enough.
-Garnish it with mint leaves and your drink is ready.

2.Basil lemon Mojito

Ingredients : 15-20 Basil Leaves,8-10 Mint leaves,sugar, lemon ,salt, soda or cold water and ice cubes)
-Muddle the leaves and lemon in a crusher plate so that the flavour is released. Put it in the glass.
-Add soda or water.
-Add half lemon juice.
-Add 2 pinches of salt and sugar as per taste.
-Add ice and garnish it with few mint and basil leaves.
-Serve immediately.

3.Pomegranate Mint Cooler

Ingredients :  1 Cup of Pomegranate,Lemon, 8-10 Mint leaves, Roasted cumin (jeera) powder(optional), sugar to taste.
-Blend pomegranate, mint leaves,roasted cumin, half a lemon juice and sugar till it is smooth.
-Strain well the juice using a juice strainer.
-Add cold water to make the juice a little thin.
-Add Ice,garnish with mint leaves and serve.

4.Apple Milk Shake

Ingredients : (2 apples, Cinnamon powder,Cold Milk, Sugar to taste)
-Peel,core and chop the apples.
-Blend it along with 1/4 tsp of cinnamon powder and 2-3 spoon of sugar.
-Add half cup of chilled milk and again blend till it is smooth.
-Add Quarter cup of milk again and blend.
-Pour it in glass,garnish it with pinch of cinnamon powder and serve.

5.Rose Milk Recipe

Ingredients : (500ml chilled milk,3 tbsp rose syrup,1tsp rose water, sugar, Rose petals for garnish (optional)
Add rose syrup in milk and stir.
Add sugar (only if the sweetness of rose syrup is not enough) and stir till it dissolve.
Add rose water and stir.
Pour it in glass,garnish it with rose petals and serve.

6.Litchi Lemonade

Ingredients : (12-15 litchis,1 large lemon,3 cups of water,3-5 mint leaves, Ice cubes ).
-Peel and remove the litchi pulp from seed.
-Blend the pulp of litchi with water in a blender to make a smooth puree.
-In a jar,mix this puree,lemon juice and sugar.
-Stir till sugar dissolves.
-Pour it in Glass,garnish with mint leaves and serve.

So guys the average time that will be taken to prepare each one of the them is maximum 10-15 minutes. So I hope you will try each one of them and do share feedback and your own similar recipes in the comments below. Till then Have a nice day!

Image source:google

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